The Basics of Social Media Marketing

What should you know about the fundamentals of social media marketing?

  1. What exactly social media marketing is
  2. The goal of social media marketing
  3. The ways to utilize social media marketing



There are many applications of digital marketing in the Philippines. As a country that is well-known for its highly active social networks, social media marketing or SMM is one of the most useful tools to perform digital marketing.

In fact, this type of digital marketing makes use of the fastest growing trend in the history of the world. Take note that in a span of 10 years, the Internet has gathered around 1 billion users. However, this achievement is blown away by Facebook, garnering 2 billion active monthly users by the second quarter of 2017. This means that one in every four people has a Facebook account around the world. Now take into consideration other social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and even Pinterest and Reddit!

With that being said, social media marketing in the Philippines can be found all the way down to high-school projects such as pop-up restaurants or theatrical performances. Of course, even the biggest of companies use social media marketing because of how useful it is overall. SMM is an opportunity for both the smallest and the largest companies out there. Integrating into your marketing efforts is not easy and will need a lot of studying. In that regard, here are the basics of social media marketing!



What is Social Media Marketing

What is Social Media Marketing?

SMM is a form of Internet marketing that makes use of social networking sites as a marketing platform. Closely related to Social Media Optimization (SMO) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), SMM is also based on the principles of organic searches—which means that the more active the website or the social media presence is, the better its position will be on search engines. Take note that even social media platforms have search engines of their own!

In a sense, SMM is also a process in which you should create content that is specifically tailored to the context of the social media platform you are using. This will then drive user engagement, and things such as likes, shares, and retweets will ultimately increase its searchability!

The unique thing about social media marketing is that the best practices are different between different social media platforms. Sometimes normal blog posts are the ideal content, while in others, video reigns supreme. There’s a layer of adaptation before you can truly master social media marketing and that’s what makes it difficult to master. Once you do, however, you’ll find your expertise go above and beyond just a single type of content.



The Goal of SMM

You’ll know that you succeed in your social media marketing efforts if the content that you produce is shared in social media networks, eventually helping increase the company’s brand exposure and customer reach. It’s closely related to SEO and SEM because the content created will still be ranked by the search engines of both Google and the platform. One of the differences though is that social media marketing has the added benefit of content reaching people fast without them searching for it, but rather through other people sharing it.

At the end of the day, social media marketing in the Philippines is a very powerful tool. It makes the most of a country that has the majority of its population using some kind of social networking site. And with that being said, even tapping just a portion of that populace is enough for a company’s brand to get its big break!



Ways to Utilize SMM

Ways to Utilize SMM

It was mentioned earlier that SMM is closely in line with SMO which pertains to the improvement of a company’s image on social networks.  Again, it’s important to remember that both SEO and SMO aims to attract new and unique visitors to your website. That being said, most people use their social media profiles to search for things on the internet, this simple act can then be linked to other people ultimately creating a network of links through them.

And this type of link-building is primarily done through two kinds of SMM promotions: Active, and Passive promotions.

Active – Active promotion only means adding links to the published content that leads to different social networks. These are usually the share buttons found in blog posts (usually linking to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn).

Passive – Passive promotion is basically the promotions of activities on social networks through simple updates to the statuses, publishing of images and kinds of articles. In most cases, users would comment on them, basically reacting on it. Using this information, a brand can solve some problems such as dissatisfaction, and find opportunities to improve their brand experiences.



Key Takeaway

The world of digital marketing in the Philippines is broad and always growing. Social media marketing, in particular, is on its way to being one of the most used digital marketing practice, just because of how many people use social networking sites in the Philippines!

Try out social media marketing and create even better opportunities for your company!