The Rise of Social Media Marketing | Sigil Digital Marketing The Rise of Social Media Marketing | Sigil Digital Marketing

The Rise of Social Media Marketing

    • Marketing a brand is one of the tough tasks of an entrepreneur or marketer. Their marketing strategy will either make or break their product or service. This is why it is important that a company should choose a type of marketing approach that is aligned with their business’s objectives and goals and tailored to their target audience as well.
    • Nowadays, with the help of technological advancements, several ways on how to market a product or service are available, which is really useful for digital marketers when generating high converting leads, providing rich customer experience, and increasing their website’s traffic. One of the most popular rising means in promoting a brand today is through social media marketing. Hence, aplenty of businesses opt for either creating their own team or availing a service from a social media marketing agency in the Philippines.

What is Social Media Marketing?

      • Creating a social media marketing plan or campaign can be a complicated and daunting task, especially for new digital marketers. But what exactly is social media marketing? How does it differ from the other types of marketing?
      • Luckily enough, there are trusted guides and tested tips and tricks provided for entrepreneurs and marketers, either a soloist or a part of a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, so, they can execute their social media marketing campaign efficiently and seamlessly. Here’s a simple guide on how to start your social media marketing plan and eventually create a compelling marketing campaign amongst all social media marketing agencies in the Philippines:
        • Identify your Social Media Objectives and Goals Just like in any other types of marketing, determining what your company’s objectives and goals is the first step in creating an effective social media marketing plan. A meticulously crafted marketing plan will surely lead to a successful marketing campaign. To help you out in framing your objectives and goals, follow the structure SMART, which stands for—S – specific, M – measurable, A – attainable, R – relevant, T – time-bound. SMART structure will help you maximize your use of social media platforms and help you achieve your business goals.
        • Determine Social Media Channels After identifying your objectives and goals, the next thing you should do is to determine what social media channels are fit for your marketing campaign. Each social media site offers different approach and benefits to its users; hence, it is important to find out which social media sites are aligned with your objectives and goals, what kind of social media site does your target audience use, and which of the available social media sites will enhance your presence in the online community. Be sure to consider these things before deciding what social media channel you will use.
        • Craft Content Credible content is essential in any kind of marketing campaign. In a social media marketing campaign, content is also necessary since this will be one of the basis of your social media success. Different types of content are needed for different social media platforms—ensure that each type is carefully tailored to each kind of social media sites. Furthermore, when crafting content, make sure it is interesting, engaging, and captivating.
        • Organize Editorial Calendar Your editorial calendar should be your basis in all your social media actions. Consider all these questions: who will produce your content, what types of content you will create, how often you will post your crafted content, and how will you promote this content. All these should be answered by your editorial calendar. Moreover, an organized editorial calendar will guide marketers in carefully scheduling the different types of content they will be handling and publishing in various social media platforms.
        • Evaluate and Adjust your Marketing Campaign To be able to adapt in the trends and innovations in social media industry, a marketer should evaluate and adjust their marketing plan every now and then. This way, you will know what works and what does not. This will help determine if you are doing well with your marketing campaign, too. On a regular basis, it is recommended for you to review page visits through Google Analytics and track all the clicks you get in a particular link, on a specific social media platform. Such data will tell you if you need to modify your social media marketing campaign.
      • Crafting an impeccable social media marketing plan or campaign is definitely attainable with this simple guide. Keep your marketing plan concise yet specific to make it more effective and compelling to your target audience. The following are few of the trends in social media marketing this 2017 that you might want to adapt to produce a captivating marketing campaign.

Social Media Marketing Trends in 2017

      • Just like in any other industries, trends and innovations here and there are visible in the social media marketing landscape. Almost every day, new developments are being utilized by digital marketers from various social media marketing agencies in the Philippines and around the world.
      • A few social media marketing trends are listed below to give you a glimpse on what types of trends will dominate the digital marketing scene this 2017
        • Chatbots
          Have you experienced talking to a chatbot on a social media site that you often use? Today, chatbots are becoming a common feature in most of the social media sites, such as Facebook. Chatbots refer to artificial intelligences that were made by different social media sites to provide real-time communication assistance to their sites’ visitors. Such technological innovation can improve real-time consumer engagement, gain attention from consumers (for example on Facebook Messenger), retrieve data, and automate tasks.
        • Live Streaming Video
          Social networking sites, such as Facebook and Instagram added a “live” and “IG stories” features to their apps, respectively. These features enable their users to post their current activity or event and share it to their social media site in real-time. As a result, almost all the active users of the said social media sites are utilizing these phenomenal features. Consequently, it became evident that social media users are into video content. With this, businesses can utilize such type of content to grab the attention of their target audience. In fact, an estimation of 48% of digital marketers will integrate YouTube to their content strategy since this site remains the top choice when it comes to compelling video content, along with a few others who’re focused on creating a video production company in the Philippines and providing similar service to businesses. With this, live streaming video will definitely prosper this year. Hence, video sharing is a useful tool not only for consumers but for marketers as well.
        • Personalized Content
          Most people know that a well-crafted content is an effective ingredient in any business strategy. And when it comes to social media marketing strategy, a personalized content would certainly be an advantage. Identify and be familiar with your consumers carefully so that you can produce content that is fully tailored for them. Remember that relevant and convincing content is preferred by most consumers since it helps them know and recall a certain brand, hence, increasing and improving brand loyalty.
      • These trends are just a small part of the bigger picture. As a digital marketer, it is essential to stay adept and informed with these changes to stay ahead in the business industry, since utilizing social media marketing will surely be the future of digital marketing.

Future of Social Media Marketing

      • Since social media is part of people’s everyday lives, it is undeniably that this type of marketing will have a bright future in the digital marketing landscape. The future holds various possibilities for social media marketing agencies in the Philippines and around the world, such as monopolization and streamlining, to name a few.
      • Currently, Facebook remains the number one social media platform. This front-runner site has acquired its main rival—Instagram. This means that without a doubt, Facebook will eventually purchase other huge social media platforms, too, since its users will definitely grow in the coming years.
      • On the other hand, consolidation of features in different social media platforms will surely happen in the near future. Social media sites will broaden their platform and integrate various features and services, making their site a convenient and efficient one-stop shop for every need and desire of users.

Why Business Should Use Social Media Marketing?

    • Just like any other types of marketing, social media marketing brings various benefits not only for consumers but for marketers as well.
    • If you still haven’t maximized social media sites as marketing tools, here are some reasons that will convince you why you should utilize social media marketing for your business.
      • Reach a Wide Variety of Audience – Obviously, this one is the most helpful benefit of social media marketing. Connecting with many people at different locations and time zone is no easy task, right? Fortunately, since almost everyone now has their own social media account, it became easier for digital marketers to reach and connect with their target audience quickly.
      • Build Strong Relationship with Consumers is a great advantage to maintain your credibility in your respective industry. And through social media sites, enriching your connection with your consumers would be an easy task. Performing basic actions, such as replying to a consumer’s comment and answering to a direct message are great ways that can build strong relationship with your consumers.
      • Easier and Quicker Content Sharing – Crafting quality content is hard. But, sharing your content to a wide range of target audience is even harder. Luckily, social media sites will help digital marketers reach a variety of consumers and even potential customers in no time.
      • Increase Brand Awareness – One of your goals in your business is to create awareness about your brand. Since social media platform is one of the influential and efficient marketing tools today, having a wide social media presence will definitely help any digital marketer, especially social media marketing services, create brand awareness. Connecting with vast audience in social media sites will surely increase brand awareness, which in return will help boost your company’s growth as well.
      • Boost Brand Loyalty Apart from increasing the brand awareness, social media platforms can also boost brand loyalty. Social media sites serve as an avenue for consumers to directly communicate with a certain business. Moreover, when consumers see that companies reach to their consumers and develop relationship with them, it can lead to an enriched brand loyalty. Hence, a loyal consumer base is one of the things that can dictate the success of a company.
  • Marketing a certain product or service has certainly come a long way. As technology continues to evolve, promoting a company through social media will surely become a much easier task for many international and Philippine social media marketing agencies, entrepreneurs, and digital marketers in the coming years.
  • With all the benefits of integrating social media into your marketing strategy, there are no reasons not to start utilizing it now.
  • Do you want to start marketing your brand through social media sites? It is about time to seek the help of a social media marketing agency in the Philippines and start building a good reputation in the online community.
  • With this, Sigil, a premiere online marketing company in the country, provides exceptional and captivating all-in-one production services from digital content, video production, to search engine optimization. The company’s team ensures that they deliver the best and high-quality service to their clients. Creativity and quality are some of the core values of this one-stop digital marketing company. For more information about Sigil, click on this link: